Tag Archives: Women

Community Health Workers 2015

Angelina on the road
Angelina, community health worker in Kitui county, on the road.

20,000 community health workers were financed by the German government for about ten years, but the program was terminated in 2006. At the German Agency for International Cooperation in Nairobi, no evaluation or final report can be found. The concept was probably outdated at some time I am told. Kenyans do know about contraception by now. In Kenya the Germans now promote a voucher program for contraception and maternal care, and against HIV. The subsidized voucher entitles the poor to treatment at a certified clinic of their choice. They call it “output based approach.”
Continue reading Community Health Workers 2015

Community Health Workers (year 2000 text)

Reproductive Health Project

Family Planning in Rural Areas

“Kugeria“ is the hot topic of discussion in Murinduko, a village about 200 kilometres north of Nairobi. Translated it means something like “lets try it”, and this is certainly the motto of the ca. 20 volunteers at Kugeria, a new project to promote family planning in rural areas. Susan Korte, the Kenyan woman who manages the project, is proud of the women who travel on foot or by bicycle as so-called community-based distributors (CBDs). Continue reading Community Health Workers (year 2000 text)

Women’s Rights Improved


Waiting area at FIDA office
Women frequently want to remain anonymous when consulting with a FIDA lawyer, so in the photo the waiting area is almost deserted

When talking about women’s rights as I tour Kenya quite a few mention the women’s lawyer organization FIDA as a political player. And FIDA was also a recommended project for the World Expo 2000.

When visiting FIDA’s headquarters in Nairobi the first I see is their everyday business. Continue reading Women’s Rights Improved

Women Lawyers (year 2000 text)

Women of the World

African women lawyers for women’s rights

When 14-year-old Zinzi Mutamiri from Mutoko in Zimbabwe could no longer hide her pregnancy, the headmaster immediately expelled her from school. The completion of final school examinations was also denied to hey after the birth of her daughter. In contrast, there was no action taken against the 20 years elder father of the baby child, who taught at the same school. Continue reading Women Lawyers (year 2000 text)

Matinyani Women’s Self Help Group (year 2000 text)

MATINYANI Women’s Development Project

Living according to one’s own weaving patterns
“I used to weave to set patterns and did the same work from morning till evening. lt was just boring.” Tabitha Mutui has left the place behind her weaving-loom and talks about the project which has fundamentally changed her life in the village of Matinyani.
lt is a good 15 years since a group of women here in eastern Kenya began putting their numerous business ideas into practice. Continue reading Matinyani Women’s Self Help Group (year 2000 text)